Women have a right to re-claim their intimate space so they can be the most authentic version of themselves. The greater the understanding and support, the more women will be able to successfully navigate through menopause and their personal wellness needs. We have teamed up with; Sandra Whittle M.C.S.P., P.O.G.P., F.R.S., F.H.T., and Phyiso First member, Soma Therapies to bring you our range of Kegals, Dilators, Massagers.

Who Am I
Sandra Whittle
My ‘Pelvic Floor Resistance Trainer and Massage Tool,’ harnesses my knowledge from decades of physiotherapy,complementary therapies
I invented theproduct range after suffering from pelvic pain and symptoms of stress incontinence after giving birth to my three wonderful children. It was only then that I truly understood the impact that pelvic dysfunction can have on a women’s life.
I believe that health and wellness products should be seen an integral part of day-to-day necessities. We have been conditioned to ignore our personal wellness for far too long and it's time for change, more choice and a variety products that are both accessible and an acceptable part of general lifestyle, physical, and wellness needs. With education, understanding and support, we will be able to successfully navigate through personal and professional careerspaces with confidence.

Did you know
70% of women don't do pelvic exercises properly or often enough !

is it for me
our products can help
The internal muscles, fascia and connective tissue provides the internal structure and support; however, the combination of tissue tension, connective tissue adhesions and scaring can alter the sensitivity and response to stimulation and activity. When stressed the muscles may tighten, become imbalanced, or weaken reducing functionality, hence the reason it is so important for women experiencing pain and health related issues after childbirth, intimate trauma, or injuries etc to have access to correct advice and treatment
Pelvic floor conditioning is not only effective but necessary to maintain core stability and visceral function. A good pelvic floor routine may prevent pelvic floor dysfunction and make life changing improvements to women’s health issues, such as; Reducing Pain, Urinary Incontinence, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Chronic Pelvic Pain, Sensory Abnormalities, Sexual Dysfunction

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The benefits
Reduce connective tissue densities faster
Reduces pain, promotes healing
Increased tissue hydration
Relieves fascial tension
Reduces chronic pelvic pain
Stimulates blood flow
Increases lymphatic drainage
Increases sensory stimulation
Desensitise sensitive areas